Vorheriges Haus Nächstes Haus Investitionsplan

Dom nr LWP - 28
Stage: 1

  • 5Räume
  • 122Bereich
  • 476Plot area m2


Blickrichtung der Fenster:
  • Nordwest
  • Süd-Ost
  • Südwesten
tl_wystawa_taras: north-west
Kontakt Formularmail
Dom nr LWP - 28

Beschreibung des Hauses

House with a shed in the front

All variants of the ground floor:

All variants of the first floor:

4-room version - 2 variants of the ground floor, 1 variant of the first floor:

5-room version - 2 variants of the ground floor, 1 variant of the first floor:

6-room version - 2 variants of the ground floor, 1 variant of the first floor:

Gallery of this Investment:


Plan of a Shed located in the front of the building.
